Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Room Of Her Own

A few weeks back, I was contacted by a fellow babylost momma, Salma, to write an essay for her newest initiative, a shared creative space called A Room Of One's Own.  

Salma, who lost her sweet baby Hussein to stillbirth earlier this year, has created the site to bring women from all walks of life together. The mission statement of the site reads:
"To look at how women creatively navigate through life processes, and find a place of healing, hope, and love of self and community."

I am honored to be this week's featured contributor. Please head on over here to read my submission, as well as to familiarize yourself with this wonderful new site.


  1. beautiful submission...

    i think of your sweet peyton when holding my own little peighton. a little girl i didn't know but who has touched my heart...

    thinking of you today...

  2. a great site and a great submission..thinking of you!

  3. I am finding your blog from Lynnette's. So sorry to hear about your loss. I will pray for you as you continue to reach others with your story.
