Sunday, January 31, 2010

And then out of nowhere...

The tears come, and you are back at square one:

In Shock
Missing Her
In Denial
Feeling Robbed
In Pain

I miss the way things used to be...


  1. Sounds like we're having the same type of night. Sending some hugs your way.

  2. Hi, My name is Lisa. My blog is I wanted to let you know that I follow your blog of your precious Peyton and that I wrote her name and took some pics. I hope you like them.

  3. I'm so sorry. It is strange how the grief can suddenly come right back and knock you off your feet again. Entirely out of nowhere. Love x

  4. I hate it when you feel like you have done such a good job moving forward just to end up back at square one. Sorry it has been a hard day/night.

  5. Feeling the same way. Missing our angels even more if possible.

  6. It's so frustrating to be putting together a string of strong days and then boom, out goes the rug beneath our feet.

    But we pull ourselves up, straighten our shoulders, lift our heads and soldier on. It's all we can do.

    Thinking of you and sweet Peyton...

  7. I feel those emotions every day, and I wish they were feelings I never had to know. I wish you never had to feel them either. *hugs*

  8. I know the "missing place" you speak of well...and the random winds that blow through sending you back to that place...

    Wish I had some words, but I don't...none that are adequate...

    Just understanding...and prayers...

  9. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am so sorry that we share the "ingredients" of losing a baby and infertility. But there is some comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that others are surviving. I will be following your blog. Thanks for writing about these tough things and writing so well too.


  10. Sending ((hugs)) your way. I am sorry you are having one of those days. I am praying for you!

  11. I came across your blog in the blogosphere and I felt the need to post something. I think it is beautiful how you want to carry on something noble and good in Peyton's name. I think it's great you offer places of support for those experiencing baby loss. While I have never been through a loss like yours, I have been through several losses, and I can relate to your feelings of sadness here. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
