Monday, February 28, 2011

I Can See The Finish Line

No birth news to post yet I'm afraid. The docs are going to have me go to about 39 weeks and then do a c/section if nothing happens naturally on its own first. I feel nervous about going so long. I want them out and safe now, but my concerns on this have been brought up to the docs and their consensus seems to be that it is better to give the snowflakes a little more time if we can, rather than take them now just because I have passed the 38 weeks mark. One doc tried to reassure me by saying that the chance of something going wrong by waiting was only around 1 in 1000. I told him that numbers like that don't comfort me at all.

So now we wait.

I am having TONS of contractions every day, getting monitored every few days, and had my last cervical check last week (not dilated or effaced yet if you can believe that) and all is looking good. These babies are making it really hard for me to function though. I say that not as a complaint, just as a statement of fact. They are big babies, or so I am assuming based on their size estimates three weeks ago, and I feel them in every inch of my abdomen from my pelvis to my upper rib cage. Sleep has become pretty difficult to come by, but so has staying awake so go figure on that one. I also am feeling a lot of pressure on my lungs which leaves me wheezing like you would with a chest cold. It's all good though, they need the room more than I do at this point, and soon enough they will be here in my arms, and I will be back to breathing and sleeping (well... maybe not sleeping.)

For the most part though, I am just feeling very excited and hopeful, though as you all know from my last post, the moments of fear and doubt still have their ways of creeping in. I don't know what it is about being this close to birth that has brought them to the forefront, but I keep telling myself that Peyton's story is not their story, and saying the serenity prayer over and over, to get me through.

That's really all I have to report on from here. That, and the fact that we STILL have not agreed on names. Who knew that naming two would be so hard!?

I am guessing my next post will be to announce their arrival. Until then, here is the final installment of belly pics taken at 38 weeks. As always, I will put a little space to protect those who would rather not see them.

Please keep my little snowflakes in your thoughts and prayers for a safe arrival and good health.

~ 38 Week Belly Shots ~

~ Front View ~

~ Side View ~

~ Collage ~


  1. What gorgeous pictures... As always, you and those beautiful girls are in my prayers.

  2. Congrats on making it way past term for the snowflakes! Your photo collage is amazing! I am sending you lots of easy labour vibes and healing vibes if they need to be born via section.
    I hope that in the next few days you find peace with the unknown and that you are truly able to live in the moment of their birth.

  3. You are almost there!! I have been following for quite some time and I am so excited for you to finally meet your snowflakes!!
    I hope that you have a great birth and that you are able to live in the moment of their arrival!

  4. You are so tiny except for that belly!!! How adorable! I'm praying praying praying for those snowflakes and can't wait to meet them and for you to decide on names, that is way harder than one would think (since most husbands won't just let us decide!). Excited for you and praying for peace for you!!! :)

  5. You look wonderful. Best wishes for the next few days as the Snowflakes get ready to make their appearance. I hope you can get some rest and some peace in the meantime.


  6. Amazing! You have come so far and I couldn't be happier for you..You can now see the finish line and you are about to have them in your arms. I'll keeping close watch for the post that they have arrived..until then mama-

  7. Sending prayers and good wishes for you and your snowflakes! I remember being towards the end of my pregnancy, feeling the same way - wanting to get them out and here safely.

    Just a few more days...

    God bless!!

  8. OMG! You are so close!!! You can do this! I LOVE the pictures! You look so beautiful, just glowing! I love how you look down at your sweet snowflakes in all your belly shot photos and the collage is really neat too. I am so amazed that you have made it this far pregnant with twins! I don't know anyone pregnant with twins that made it this far and I mean that as a compliment!

    I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are have two times the "normal" amount of baby in you at this point. Anyway, hang in there... I know how hard it is to be in the homestretch of a SPAL. (((HUGS))) The Serenity Prayer has always been very comforting to me too and I am glad that it is helping you get through these last days before you FINALLY get to meet your babies!!!

    I am not sure if I ever shared with you what my OB told me in the final days leading up to Abby's birth... But every time I would tell him how scared I was and how hard it was for me to belive that she was going to be healthy and actually get to come home with us, he would tell me (and it became my mantra), "September 17th is going to be a happy day!" (That was the date of her scheduled c-section which I made it too, a few days shy of 39 weeks). Anyway, I will offer that same mantra to you now...

    Your Snowflakes birthday is going to be a happy day!

    Say it with me...

    My Snowflakes birthday is going to be a happy day!

    I believe and will be saying that and praying that over and over again until I see your post announcing that their birth! Hang in there! One day, one hour, one step at a time...

    I am cheering for you and your snowflakes and can't wait to hear the wonderful news!

    Take care,
    Kathy :)

  9. Another lovely picture! I'm officially holding my breath now. Please tell me quickly when I can breathe again. Much love and many prayers!

  10. So close...and I am so happy for you and the snowflakes to have gotten this far! Wishing you and the snowflakes the very best!

  11. Love seeing a post with the words "Finish Line" in the title. You are almost there. So happy for you and can't wait until you have crossed that finish line and are holding your sweet babies.

  12. Can't wait to see them! My aunt just had twin girls on valentines day, born at 36 weeks! They didn't pick the names until right before they were born, they are Kollins Ava and Kadence Aubrey. So excited for you, I know it is a long wait but when they get here it is oh so wonderful

  13. My best wishes are with you and the snowflakes.

  14. I wasn't dilated or effaced at 38 weeks either, hence the c-section as I mentally couldn't go to 39 weeks, so good on you on that front, especially carrying double the babies! And they could have told me at 38 weeks there was a one in a million chance of something going wrong and that still wouldn't have comforted me. I am guessing you would be the same
    I SO can't wait for that next post and what I know is going to be a joyous and long awaited announcement.

  15. Sending you my best wishes and prayers for your babies. I am excited for you!

  16. Whoa! Beach ball bump! You must have some good sized snowflakes! :D

  17. Initiation. And then you walk into a new life.

    So far so good. I am holding your beautiful family in the light.

  18. ok at the 38 week mark you look amazing.. bed rest has done you well.. I love how big your belly is and that the babies will be large (but not too large) As the time ticks for the both of us... we wait.. we worry and we wait some more with hope (and not with numbers) and fear and a lot a LOT of love..

  19. Your belly is beautiful.

    Sending lots of love and good wishes for you and the Snowflakes.


  20. You are so much in my thoughts right now, these snowflakes are so loved by so many, as are you. x

  21. My prayers are with you and look forward to hearing of the Snowflakes arrival.

  22. You look amazing! :)
    Wishing you all the best!

  23. I am in awe that you have stayed strong and gone past 38 weeks. I'm thinking of you and the little ones. X

  24. You are an amazing Mama my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I cannot wait for the good news of the snowflakes birth!

  25. That's unusual to hear! I have never heard of twins being allowed to go past 38 wks gestation. What more benefit can a few days give them at this stage when they are 100% viable? My best friend is also expecting twins (her second pregnancy) and her doctor told her 38 wks is as far as he will let her go, she's around 26 wks now. If you're nervous about it I would ask the doctor to do it sooner rather than later. Hugs and BEST WISHES with everything!!!! Anna

  26. {{{{{HUGS}}}}
    and prayers!
    May you rest in Gods love for you and these babies and truely enjoy this special time!

    Praying for you guys~


  27. I am glad that you speak your mind with the docs, I have also heard to statistics they spew out and none of them make me feel any better. I anxiously await your news of the snowflakes safe and healthy arrival. Take care of you!

  28. Close.....BEST WISHES.....and just so Happy for you....take care and God Bless......


  29. Gorgeous photos... thinking of you on the home stretch :)) Looking forward to hearing all your good news xoxo

  30. So exciting!!! Not long now. Prayers!

  31. you know, i've got to say, i'm amazed at how God has blessed you with these two.

    i'll admit: when you announced you were pregnant with TWINS, my heart went from soaring to crashing in an instant. for someone battling fertility problems, ANY multiples increase the chance of miscarriage so very much. i should've had faith, but i'll admit that i was very hesitant to believe you would actually get to keep your Snowflakes. it scared me... i can only imagine how YOU felt!

    i'll also say, though, that i was praying all along that you would be blessed with another child. to see you carry not one but TWO babies to term - and let's face it, twins NEVER make it to term without going into labor early! - it makes me SO happy for you!

    praying all will go well as you soon meet your children... and that God will give you peace that passes all understanding as you face the hospital experience after what happened with your precious Peyton.

    - michelle

  32. Can't wait to read the post announcing the birth of your little snowflakes and sharing in your sighs of relief. The Serenity Prayer has been very helpful for me too! How they have no idea how many people they have on their side and they are not even born yet!!!

  33. Thinking of you & your precious babies. Can't wait to hear you're *GOOD* news! Hang in there... the end is near!!!!
